Magnetorheological fluids or commonly known as MR Fluids find a huge potential in the application of vehicle suspension systems and dampeners. These smart fluids exhibit high shear stresses at relatively low magnitude magnetic fields. Industrial Metal Powders (I) Pvt. Ltd. (IMP), one of the pioneers in manufacture of high purity iron powder and flakes, offers specially formulated CIMR-120AG MR Fluids for electronically controlled critical motion control systems such as clutches, brakes, damping systems and artificial joints.
Our strong acumen in the technical know-how of behavior of MR Fluids is being put into the best of use to understand the technical requirement of clients and thereby offer unique compositions of particle-volume concentrations. Right from the selection of the carrier fluids to the suspended ferrite particles, all aspects that govern the efficiency such as response time, sedimentation rate and dispersion are meticulously analyzed and engineered by our design engineers to suit the requirement of end application.
To gauge the suitability of our MR Fluids for your application or know more about these smart fluids, please contact us.

Property Normal Range CIMR-120-AG
Carrier liquid Proprietary oil
Particle Volume Fraction,φ 0.20 to 0.45> 0.20
Particle Weight Fraction 0.70 to 0.90 0.69
Density (g/cm3) 2 to 4 2.26±0.03
Yield stress (kPa) @ 174.3 kA/m 10 to 55 22±01
Plastic Viscosity (mPa.s)@ 40˚C, g˚ > 500 s-1 50 to 200 0.086±0.010
Temperature Range (˚C) -40 to130
Magnetic Permeability, Relative @ low field 3.5 to 10 ~4
Figure of Merit (Pa/s) τ2sat/ηP 1010 to 1011 2×1010
Response Time (s) < 0.001 <0.001
Flash Point (˚C) >150