From Freshness to Fortification High-Purity Iron Powder's Impact on the Food Industry

From Freshness to Fortification: High-Purity Iron Powder’s Impact on the Food Industry             

The human body depends on iron for proper health functions because the element delivers oxygen through blood cells and maintains vital energy levels. The food industry relies on high-purity iron powder particularly electrolytic iron powder because of its exceptional purity and its superior functioning capabilities. The food industry and packaging solutions utilize this refined iron,…

How Pre-Alloyed Powders boost the strength of metal components in DCT Industry

How Pre-Alloyed Powders boost the strength of metal components in DCT Industry

In the Diamond Cutting Tools (DCT) industry, durable materials are essential for producing high-quality tools that cut hard substances like stones, asphalt, and concrete. IMP specializes in IMPALLOY i.e., Pre-Alloyed Powders, which greatly improve the strength and performance of these tools. Let us learn more on how pre-alloyed powders boost the strength of metal components…

Explore Excellence at STONA 2025 Discover IMP’s Innovative Solutions

Explore Excellence at STONA 2025: Discover IMP’s Innovative Solutions

The global stone industry is about to witness groundbreaking innovations at STONA 2025, organized by the Federation of Indian Granite and Stone Industry. Among the prominent participants, Industrial Metal Powders India Pvt. Ltd. (IMP) stands out with its pioneering contributions to the diamond-cutting tool (DCT) industry. With its innovative contributions to the diamond-cutting tool (DCT)…